Case study: Assess airport pavement & subgrade

  • Site: Main runway of major airport
  • Objective: Determine pavement “as-constructed” details and subgrade features, comparing with cores
  • Approach:
    • Kerberos used to scan runway overnight during period when runway was not being used (after midnight)
  • Outcomes:
    • Approx. 6.5 hours to scan runway
    • Assessment completed without any disruption to airport operations
    • > 262,000 m2 of 3D GPR gathered & combined into one model of the site (including overlapping scans)
    • Pavement layering & subgrade features from 3D GPR calibrated by comparing to cores and depths reported
    • Changes of construction were clearly visible within the 3D GPR plan view at different depths
    • 3D GPR data enabled boundaries of differing pavement construction to be clearly delineated, marked & reported
    • Cross-sectional profiles across runway pavement (60-120m wide) showed clear variations in pavement thickness
    • Features were visible in subgrade to approx. 2.5m deep
    • Calibrated layer depths and subgrade findings exported into various formats for client use
  • Client benefits:
    • Confidence: Complete coverage of airport pavement ensures all pavement variations identified
    • Clarity: Use of 3D GPR enabled extent of differing construction types to be clearly seen and precisely identified
    • Coverage: Entire site coverage enabled cores at selected locations to be related to depth variations along & across the runway
    • Viability: Fast data collection made large-scale assessment viable, as it completely avoided potential disruption to airport operations
    • Cost & time savings: Entire site covered in a fraction of the time and cost of slower 3D or 2D GPR technologies